Species Richness Maps

Date filter: none (all records):

Number of records:   52928 
Number of grid cells:   1772 (87.51%) 


Number of species* Symbol No. QDSs % QDSs
1 - 3 symbol 1 404 19.95
4 - 6 symbol 2 403 19.9
7 - 9 symbol 3 319 15.75
10 - 14 symbol 4 329 16.25
15 - 54 symbol 5 317 15.65

* ranges selected according to the closest percentiles for 5 categories.

Distribution map

Date filter: Year-collected >= 2000:

Number of records:   18070 
Number of grid cells:   1224 (60.44%) 


Number of species* Symbol No. QDSs % QDSs
1 - 2 symbol 1 353 17.43
3 symbol 2 139 6.86
4 - 6 symbol 3 324 16
7 - 9 symbol 4 197 9.73
10 - 41 symbol 5 211 10.42

* ranges selected according to the closest percentiles for 5 categories.

Distribution map

Date filter: current year:

Number of records:   123 
Number of grid cells:   59 (2.91%) 


Number of species* Symbol No. QDSs % QDSs
1 symbol 1 44 2.17
2 symbol 2 8 0.4
3 symbol 3 5 0.25
4 symbol 4 1 0.05
5 - 16 symbol 5 1 0.05

* ranges selected according to the closest percentiles for 5 categories.

Distribution map